Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Charity Thoughts ...

We have decided to do a family project this year around our charitable giving.

We are allocating the some money to our family as well as Mom and Curt (since we are all together for Christmas) to give to their favorite charity. The goal is to broaden our perspective on charitable giving and to learn something about everyone at the same time!

There are only two only catches. One is that it has to be a nonprofit so that I can go back to Sun and take advantage of the matching program which results in giving TWICE as much to the charities that we select. And second that everyone needs to present (with visuals:)) their choice(s) and the reasons behind them. We will do this- at or after Dinner on Christmas eve.

So before jumping into he nonprofits that I have selected, here is the thinking that drives my choices.
  • I am most concerned about the children and their ability to function successfully in the future
  • I am concerned about the environment and insuring that it exists in roughly its current form to be enjoyed into the future
  • And I want to insure that children and adults have enough food and shelter

The companies that I have selected are:

Junior Achievement

We are the passionate people behind a movement that seeks to educate and inspire young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics to improve the quality of their lives. Located in beautiful Colorado Springs, the JA Worldwide headquarters provides support for JA operations throughout the U.S., and in nearly 100 countries around the world that carry out the mission.

Altogether, Junior Achievement reaches approximately 7 million students worldwide. Through age-appropriate curricula, Junior Achievement programs begin at the elementary school level, teaching children how they can impact the world around them as individuals, workers and consumers. Junior Achievement programs continue through the middle and high school grades, preparing students for future economic and workforce issues they'll face.

We do all this with the help of our volunteers. Volunteers who so care about our youth they take time out of their day to make a difference. How do we know this? We have external evaluators measure the impact of our programs.

Boys and Girls Club (of Santa Clara County)

In every community, boys and girls are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them.

Boys & Girls Clubs offer that and more. Club programs and services promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.

Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun. They are truly The Positive Place For Kids.

Peninsula Open Space Trust

The mission of the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) is to give permanent protection to the beauty, character and diversity of the San Francisco Peninsula landscape for people here now and for future generations. We encourage the use of these lands for natural resource protection, wildlife habitat, low-intensity public recreation and agriculture.
Since our founding in 1977, POST has helped to give permanent protection to nearly 55,000 acres of land in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties — an area one and a half times the size of San Francisco and 12 times the size of Yosemite Valley.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties

A private non-profit organization that collects and distributes more than 30 million pounds of food each year to low-income children, adults and seniors. The Food Bank currently serves an average of 162,000 individuals each month; nearly 60% are families with dependent children. OuMission Providingng food for people in need in our community.

So there it is ... my choices. It will be fun to talk this through with everyone and see what they have come up with.

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