Anthony is playing CYSA on the same team that he has been playing on since middle school. The team is doing well. They are winning most of their games. They tied today and if they win tomorrow they go on to play in the tournament. Anthony is doing well - mostly playing sweeper. He is learning to use his size and effort to make up for his lack of speed. And his skills are getting there ...
Nick just finished his season. His team was going through some changes, merging with another team. So at the suggestion of his trainer, he tried out and made a class 1 team. He will go from being at the top of his class 3 team (there is no class 2) to the lower of his new team. They are more skilled, but the coaches think that his desire and speed will allow him to play at this level while his skills develop.
Football for Anthony has ended for the school year. He trained a few days a week since the season ended and just finished a couple of weeks spring ball. He will be back at it in a week or so (once school ends). This will go the whole summer until a couple of weeks before school starts, when they will start practice for real. Anthony can't wait!
And summer is just about here ... I can see that it will go quickly. We will try to fit a lot in:
- Our big vacation to Rome and Paris
- Nick's summer theater conservatory
- A short houseboat trip
- Some time in PG (I hope)